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Wednesday, 7 April 2010

a proper blog post (i promise!!)

i know that lately i've been posting a bunch of random things about signatures and god knows what else!! sorry about that, i need the pics for the forums. I never really went on the forums untill now, i think that the people who are getting banned for no reasons, well.. i feel really sorry for them!! but i just stay on the "creative corner" bit i dunno why! the general disscusion is cool but i dont go there that much as i'm only on like what only 124 posts i think its something like that where as others have like 6840. WOW.

check out my modeling competiton "starry eyed" as we dont have enough participants yet to make a proper competition, we need ten and only have 2 (lol i know) so if you think you want to join then i'll put the link at the bottom of the page.

I know Kelle's leaving and i totally understand why. People shouldnt be treated that way, its unfair! Thats one of the reasons i keep of the general disscusion page. I'mma call it the banning heatwave so if i say that, then you know what i mean. I'd also like to tell you that i really dislike simguruhyrda. I'm yet to discover why but i just dont like her.

here's the link to the modeling competiton:

2nd request

i know that its only my seacond request but i love it!!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


new signature for ur info

new signature

got a new signature just putting it here for the sims 3, anyway check out the website anyhow

i dont think im going to use it though a bit gay if you know what i mean


omg!!!! i was on the mares nest right now and look what i found!!!
you cant really see it but the circled thing is my name!! and i know because its for OUR requst thread evergreen phoebe and me!!!!!
happy as cheese!
xxx lucy

entry 2 even IF idont get in

because i'll be away and i'll miss the next assignment for the comp so here is my enty (emotions-sad) so here it is: (better than my 1st one)

Monday, 5 April 2010

omg, it glows!

this is really wierd, i think the title explains all:

it like, started glowing! it freaked me out
i think it was the stadium as on my game the stadium messus the whole thing up so i have to make shure that where my household is it has to be way away from the stadium v. annoying

after tinypic

the entry after i edited it in tiny pic

assignment one: beach girl

this is my first attempt for my entry of the ethnic diversity competiton, i didnt know tiny pic did editing so ya anyways here is my 1st attempt:

i might enter this one but i might not i'll think about it.

its DONE

finally it worked after abit of clever thinking from none other than yours truly!

download her here:

she called Kery Cellen:

i hate the stupid launcher!!!!

this is driving me nuts! i'm part of the sim shop and this is my first sim so i wanted to make a good impression on them and guess what happened? i haddnt uploaded anything when it said that i had!!! i HATE the launcher now.
i think you can see it

THE custom sims shop to be at!

do you want a sim but dont want to make it? if so then come to Lucy's custom sim shop!

but i'm already signed in!!

i hate it when you go in to the sims 3 store and it makes you sign in again!!! its so frustrating, i mean call me paranoyed or whatever but like oh my god!!! i HATE IT!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

thats nice, but i dont care.

i'm sorry but if i cared then i would have said. sghydra really ticks me off sometimes, i mean i dont care if the featured people get badges! if i did i would say something! she should of just said this " the featured members will get a badge to show off whilst the others just sit and stare, i hope this massage was pointless and degrading, im to good for you, simguruhydra." i mean what the baguette?!?!

those blooming ghosts!!

oh my god! in my legacy game i was playing earlier i got 2 ghosts at night (Marina and Gillas) Marina never really comes anymore so i wasnt really expecting that.


head shot:

body shots

USERNAME: lilmisspop but you can call me Lucy
MODEL NAME: Marilouise Engliaes
ETHNIC: Spanish
BIO: Marilouise has always been the good girl, the one your more likely to find picking daisy or helping out with charity. She often wonders if the sweetness is just a mask.